Two Notebooks Later, One Logo (My Design Process)

I'm one of those designers that CANNOT go from start to finish within a computer screen.

When I receive my requirements for a project, I sketch. Alot.

Alot alot. 

Through those sketches, I get a feel for the idea of what I'm trying to achieve.

If I get stuck on something when I'm in the design programs, I stop. I glance down at my notepad, remember where I was going, and move forward.

It's like having a map.

If you get lost driving, you don't just keep driving around in circles.

You glance down at your Google Maps directions that you planned out. From there, you figure out where you are, where you were, and where you are going.

That's how I work.

If you look below, that's how I started with a pitch deck's flow.


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