Xand Griffin

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You'll Lose Big If You Stop Learning

If you want to become a marketer, expect to be a forever student. That's what modern marketers are.

Structured learning? Yay or nay?

My favorite online training is Lynda.com, hands down. This training site allowed me to build on the basic design courses I took in college for much cheaper than tuition! They offer you training files that will allow you to walk through the project that you are working on while you are watching the video.

Tip: they have all the videos transcribed so you can see see and hear the words to better learn the material. Yay for visual learners.

Learn through curation of your sources.

I spend a bulk of my day in research mode. I'm always learning. I beef skills up, keep up on trends, discover new ways to solve problems. Currently, to improve my skills, I'm learning to implement growth hacking techniques by taking courses in HTML, CSS, and Javascript at Codeacademy. As far as trends, I read the normal sources that all marketers do, Moz, Mashable, HBR.

Learn from the experts that are around you. If none are around you, go and make friends.

Personally, I've found the best sources to go for trends are the social networks of people in similar roles to myself.

I've found being able to share with people that I've met in local networking events is priceless. I usually turn to the people within the group I run sponsored by HubSpot, the Philadelphia HubSpot User Group (philly.hubspotusergroups.com). This is where the synthesis of new ways to gather more leads and optimizing old processes comes in full force.

Get out there. Learn stuff.